Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 17-21: June Blogging

Day 17: Three random things that can instantly make your day

1 - My daughter. That's a given. When she smiles at me it brightens my entire day.
2 - My husband! And his silly self. He is always making me laugh. 
3 - Hearing good news. Or just hearing that something went the way we planned it to go. This doesn't happen often haha. 

Day 18: Something you are embarrassed to love 

Food. I love food. That is solely the reason why it is so hard for me to keep losing weight. Bad carbs and junk food are my weakness. But I am getting better at it! 

Day 19: A goal you are working towards 

Weightloss... My goal seems a little unreal and far fetched and it's going to take a while but I really wanna lose like 100 pounds. I'm trying to stay off the scale because it is discouraging. But I am working out every single day & trying to stay away from the junk!

Day 20: A random act of kindness
Something someone has done for you or something you've done for someone. 

My husband and his friend both into a 10 week academy to become a state correctional officer. It is about 90 miles away. His friend knows we are struggling with money right now and keeps offering to drive Steve. I think it is amazing and you really don't find friends like that these days.

Follow me on Instagram!

Follow me on Twitter!

Expect a few blogs from me today. I've been slacking I'm sorry! 
- Samantha

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 16: Something that makes me awesome

This one is probably the toughest one thus far. I'm not that great at complimenting myself so I really wouldn't be sure at picking something that makes me awesome.

I'm a good friend. I think that's awesome. Good friends are hard to come by. And I've made mistakes in the past when it came to friendships but I think I am a great friend. Unless of course you stab me in the back. I will probably forgive you but it'll never be the same. 

If you're interested in partaking in the June blogging project it isn't too late! Just catch up... here is the graphic :) note that I will be making a MOM'S July blogging list. So keep an eye out for that. 

Follow me:
Insta: @samcamagram
Twitter: @MamaSamCam

- Samantha 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day 15: Top photos I've taken

 - Samantha 

Day 14: Something you are looking forward to..

A short term excitement is definitely June 23rd the day my husband comes home from his National Guard annual training! I'm excited to see him :) So is baby Abigail. Unfortunately he isn't home for his first Fathers Day but that's such as life...military life that is. 

A long term thing I'm looking forward to is getting a house. Steve starts his correctional officer job on the 24th of this month and we will finally be on the track to getting a house! No more apartment living. I hate the city. 

- Samantha 

Day 13: What's in your purse, wallet, pocket

Purse days are pretty much over. I shove everything into my diaper bag!

• antibacterial hand wipes
• Dreft stain remover pen
• baby lotion 
• hand sanitizer 

• stroller netting

• diapers
• wipes
• extra change of clothes
• diaper changing pad 

• bottles, pre filled
• bottle sterilizer microwave bag 
• formula 
• formula dispenser 

• my wallet 
• extra pacifier!

• not pictured: burp cloth(s) and Abigail's acid reflux medicine (Zantac)

I wanna see what's in your bag! Comment and let me know if you do it :) 

- Samantha 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 12: Favorite color with a photo showing it

I'm a pink girl for sure!

My best friend (left) and I (right) both wearing pink. 

My beautiful daughter. 

My husband and daughter :)

The pretty cake at the baby shower!

Pink pink pink! Everything pink. I'm sure my husband just adores it ;) 

- Samantha 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 8-11: June Blogging

Day 8: Your top three favorite blogs to read and why

Unfortunately I do not have favorite blogs yet. With just joining the blogging world I haven't gotten the chance to sift through and find my favorite blogs...But I would love to read more blogs & follow more blogs so please feel free to comment with any of your blogs! 

Day 9: Your favorite quote or saying 

"No one will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you're the only ones whoknow what my heart sounds like from the inside."

Day 10: 10 on 10 photos with or without captions

I'm genuinely confused by this so if anyone understands this please fill me in so I can come back and do it..

Day 11: A photo of your handwriting 

On Twitter and Insta I posted for my followers to favorite, retweet, and like to kick my butt into gear. It ended with those results. I was pretty sore for a couple days. Success! 

Instagram: @Samcamagram
Twitter: @MamaSamCam

Thanks for stopping by :)
- Samantha 

Monday, June 10, 2013

New Mom (inexpensive) Must-Haves!

Registering for my first baby at Babies R Us was like putting an untrained person in front of a lion. I was like..WHAT. THE. FUDGE. do I do?! What do I scan? What the hell is a swaddle? What do I need a Boppy for? What's the difference between a bouncy & a swing?! My husband and I were ALLL confused. 

It all starts to make sense when the baby is finally here. 

There are a few items that are inexpensive but get use on a daily basis in our home.. 

If you will be using disposable diapers GET A DIAPER GENIE. They mask any smell you shove in there. I mean the biggest baddest of all poops are safe in that baby. You can get a Diaper Genie anywhere they sell baby supplies: Wal-Mart, Target, Babies R Us...etc. For about $30. Also don't forget to pick up the refills! We are only on the 3rd refill pack and my daughter has been home for over 2 months. 

Another REALLY cheap item we use every day is the re-usable microwave sterilizer bags. 

We sterilize Abigail's nipples and bottles in these bags after every single use. They're so much easier then preparing boiled water and they are way cheaper than the heavy duty microwave sterilizers. AND biggest perk is that you can take them with you on the go. Going out with the baby to a family or friends house and you have a dirty bottle bam pop it in the microwave (after rinsing) and they're clean in under 5 minutes. 

Another cheap and easy purchase is the formula dividers. Which can later be used to put snacks in (Cheerios, Puffs, etc) They are about $4 at any store: Wal-Mart, Target, Babies R Us, CVS...etc. 

We pre-measure the formula for her bottles so it is super quick especially when you have a baby melting down because she is hungry at 3am!

I won't go crazy into every little item we have but I will definitely be doing pros and cons of a ton of products we use. 

Do you use these products as well? 
- Samantha 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 7: If I could have one super power..'d be the ability to time travel. I just love the concept all together. Although I wouldn't want it to be like that movie The Time Traveller's Wife. I would want control over what year I could visit and when I could go back to the real world. 

If I couldn't time travel then it'd definitely be the ability to fly. For obvious reasons, gas prices are ridiculous ;) 

- Samantha 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 6: Three ways to win my heart

Although someone already has won my heart. Here are the three ways he did it :)

• he makes me laugh, all the time
• he loves me unconditionally, makes me feel special
• he is always there for me, no matter what he listens and comforts me 

I love you Stephen, my best friend :)

- Samantha 

Day 5: Home

My home is in Fall River, Massachusetts. And right now what we call home is a small two bedroom apartment...

Basically our home is a mixture of Army throw up and baby throw up. They're taking over. Ahhhhhh!

- Samantha 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 4: Someone that makes you happy

This may be a cliché blog because my husband makes me happiest. Although he pisses me off more than anyone haha. But you'd be a liar (or a newlywed) if you said your husband doesn't aggravate you. 

Steve is the peanut butter to my jelly, he's the spring to my step, blue to my sky, milk to my cookies, bubble to my bath. He makes me laugh, he makes me happy.

How many moms will be able to tell their children they went to prom with their daddy? I'm lucky to have him.

- Samantha


Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 3: What you wore, in detail

As most of y'all know I am a stay at home Mom. So I never really get dolled up to be at home. Especially on Mondays, it's the day that my husband heads back to work and usually Abigail is a handful... today there is no reason for me to be dressed like I am. Considering Abigail was only awake for like 4 hours all day. Which is extremely bizarre and extraterrestrial like activity for her haha. 

I'm wearing a sports bra, grey. A black t-shirt that is like a support our troops shirt. "America's best are not in America" kinda thing. White Under Armour shorts. Mainly because today I did a little workout at home. If we go out later to find Abi a bathing suit I will most likely throw on some jeans and a shirt because its pretty gloomy out there :)

That is all. 
- Samantha 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

June Blogging!

So I robbed this awesome blogging challenge from Kristen Glass' blog ( Figured it would give me something different to do this month!

Day 1: Something beautiful to you

This one is easy. My daughter. She is the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on. She is perfect in every way. I don't know how I even deserved such a perfect little beautiful blessing in my life. God really spoiled my husband and I. Abigail Lynn you are Mommy's entire world!

May 28th, 2013

Day 2: Your morning routine

I used to have a morning routine. Now I wake up when Abigail does.... Which is usually between 4am and 6am.
  • Change Abigail's diaper
  • MAYBE get a chance to use the bathroom, if she isn't having too much of a melt down
  • Prepare Abi's formula
  • Feed her
I have an extremely eventful life ;) I don't mind....I love that bonding time with my baby girl.

- Samantha