Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 17-21: June Blogging

Day 17: Three random things that can instantly make your day

1 - My daughter. That's a given. When she smiles at me it brightens my entire day.
2 - My husband! And his silly self. He is always making me laugh. 
3 - Hearing good news. Or just hearing that something went the way we planned it to go. This doesn't happen often haha. 

Day 18: Something you are embarrassed to love 

Food. I love food. That is solely the reason why it is so hard for me to keep losing weight. Bad carbs and junk food are my weakness. But I am getting better at it! 

Day 19: A goal you are working towards 

Weightloss... My goal seems a little unreal and far fetched and it's going to take a while but I really wanna lose like 100 pounds. I'm trying to stay off the scale because it is discouraging. But I am working out every single day & trying to stay away from the junk!

Day 20: A random act of kindness
Something someone has done for you or something you've done for someone. 

My husband and his friend both into a 10 week academy to become a state correctional officer. It is about 90 miles away. His friend knows we are struggling with money right now and keeps offering to drive Steve. I think it is amazing and you really don't find friends like that these days.

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Expect a few blogs from me today. I've been slacking I'm sorry! 
- Samantha

1 comment:

  1. Found you on Flips Flops and What's Not and added you on GFC. Its so good to see another military family that blogs. :)
