Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 16: Something that makes me awesome

This one is probably the toughest one thus far. I'm not that great at complimenting myself so I really wouldn't be sure at picking something that makes me awesome.

I'm a good friend. I think that's awesome. Good friends are hard to come by. And I've made mistakes in the past when it came to friendships but I think I am a great friend. Unless of course you stab me in the back. I will probably forgive you but it'll never be the same. 

If you're interested in partaking in the June blogging project it isn't too late! Just catch up... here is the graphic :) note that I will be making a MOM'S July blogging list. So keep an eye out for that. 

Follow me:
Insta: @samcamagram
Twitter: @MamaSamCam

- Samantha 


  1. Hey Samantha,
    thanks for stopping by!
    Congratulations on your little girl! She is precious! I wanted a girl but it didn't turn out that way LOL, there is already too much testosterone in the house and i'm about to add more LOL.

    Kudos to you to attempt this June Challenge! I too like you have a hard time finding things about myself to compliment.

    Headed to catch up on your blog and get to know ya a bit!


    1. Thanks for the kind comments and thank you for following me :) Always great to have someone that actually interacts.

  2. I nominated your blog for an award, check out my blog for details!

    1. Aww I am flattered!! I will be doing it sometime this week :) So excitinggggg.
